Gender, Public policies and society, Public schooling, Sexuality and educationAbstract
Since women´s struggle is a daily theme in contemporary society, current investigation discusses gender equality and the different ways in living one´s sexuality as subject matters to be dealt with in the classroom. Conservative motivations of policy decisions on gender equality as a theme for the classroom and their confrontations with progressive pedagogical studies are discussed. The bibliographical review of the theory concerned is pedagogically based on post-structuralist and post-modern studies. It also comprises a factual explanation foregrounded on educational public policies on feminine and LGBTQI themes discussed during the last decades. From a Foucauldian point of view, results indicate that conservative institutions act in a systematic, calculated and articulated manner with streamlining of the theme. So that current feminist and LGBTQI debates are provided for in the classroom, there should exist a greater female presence in the House of Representatives and that policy decisions should be based more on Pedagogy and less on Religion which may interfere in educational public policies.References
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