Evaluation of qualitative aspects in sugar cane varieties subjected to different chemical ripeners

  • Thaismara Martins Universidade Paranaense - UNIPAR
  • Roxelle Ethienne Munhoz Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM
Keywords: Ripener, Growth Regulator, Saccharum sp.


The sugar cane (Saccharum sp) is a perennial plant, which management includes the application of ripeners to avoid the flowery and increase the quantity of sugars, mainly the saccharose in the stalk. This study was developed in two agricultural years, 2004 and 2006, aiming at evaluating the influence of three types of ripeners (Curavial, Aminolon and Ethrel) into three sugar cane genotypes (RB 72454, RB 835486 and RB 855113). Completely randomized design in a factorial arrangement 3x4 was used, followed by joint analysis. Through the study of the interaction between ripeners and varieties it was possible to conclude that there were no differences among the varieties. However, treatments differed in Brix, Pol, humidity and sugar content among ripeners that presented positive effects, except for the variety RB 835486 what just the Curavial was positive, it was not significant to the ART and purity, and so variable to the fiber. The application of the chemical ripeners, in generally, was satisfactory with emphasis to the Curavial, which provided bigger increments on Pol. The ripeners presented similar and satisfactory conduct and development in all the treatments and varieties.

Author Biographies

Thaismara Martins, Universidade Paranaense - UNIPAR
Bacharel em Ciências Biológicas pela Universidade Paranaense – UNIPAR, Campus Paranavaí. E-mail: thaismara_martins@hotmail.com
Roxelle Ethienne Munhoz, Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM
Doutoranda pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Genética e Melhoramento (PGM) da Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM. E-mail: roxellemunhoz@gmail.com