Analysis of governance structures adopted between brokers and rural producers in the productive chain of beans

  • Fabricio Oliveira Leitão Instituto de Estudos Socioeconomicos — INESC
  • Marlon Vinícios Brisola Instituto de Estudos Socioeconomicos — INESC
  • Karim Marini Thomé Universidade de Brasília - UnB
Keywords: Beans, Governance Structures, Producers, Brokers


A way of marketing beans has been considered harmful to the activity development, but should be considered as a major bottleneck in the production chain. The bean market is characterized by instability and it suffers interference from informal performances often due to the activities of crossovers. Based on these difficulties the present study identified the main points taken into consideration in the transaction by the parties and characterized it between producers and brokers, identifying then the form of governance adopted between them. For such a search it was conducted exploratory nature of qualitative variables with 10 producers and 10 brokers from Unai - MG. The results showed that the majority of transactions between producers and brokers are performed through the market and due to the high temporal specificity of the product and the high uncertainty regarding the price, this transaction could be more effectively coordinated through contracts.

Author Biographies

Fabricio Oliveira Leitão, Instituto de Estudos Socioeconomicos — INESC
Marlon Vinícios Brisola, Instituto de Estudos Socioeconomicos — INESC
Médico Veterinário; Mestre em Agronegócio pela Universidade de Brasília – UnB; Coordenador Pedagógico Acadêmico do Instituto de Ensino Superior Cenecista- INESC; Doutorando no Centro de Estudos Comparados das Américas – CEPPAC/UnB. E-mail:
Karim Marini Thomé, Universidade de Brasília - UnB
Administrador e Agrônomo; Mestre em Agronegócio pela Universidade de Brasília – UnB. Doutorando em Administração pela Universidade Federal de Lavras – UFLA. E-mail: