Leaf anatomy of Brazilian species Smilax L.: S. quinquenervia Vell., S. Stenophylla A.DC. and S. subsessiliflora Dunham

  • Alessandra R. Guimarães Universidade Santa Úrsula
  • Regina Helena Potsch Andreata Universidade Santa Úrsula
  • Antônio de O. Dias Neto Universidade Santa Úrsula
  • Maria Helena D. A. Monteiro Universidade Santa Úrsula
Keywords: Smilax, Monocotyledonous, Leaf Anatomy


Smilax L. in Brazil is represented by 32 taxa, known as sarsaparilla or japecanga, which have great medical interest. In this paper we describe the anatomy of S. quinquenervia Vell., S. stenophylla A.DC. and S. subsessiliflora Dunham. with the aim of selecting anatomical characters that can support the taxonomy of Smilacaceae. The leaves were sliced with a microtome manual type Ranvier. The sections were stained using a mixture Astra blue - modified Safranin and prepared on slides. It was analyzed the median portions of the leaf blade (intercostal region, edge and nerve), petiole (with tendrils) and the sheath. Cross and paradermic sections were prepared in accordance with the usual techniques in plant anatomy. The results show that species have common characteristics, such as epidermis, consisting of polygonal cells in cross section and cells with anticlinal walls straight to paradermic slightly winding section, homogeneous mesophyll, collateral vascular bundles stuffed by a sheath of sclerenchyma fibers ; idioblasts containing raphides, immersed in the mesophyll and leaf hipostomatic with anomocytic and paracytic types of stomata. The results were analyzed in an adaptive and taxonomic context. Thus, the leaf anatomy provides new information for the species, which have leaf structure quite similar to that reported for Smilacaceae.

Author Biographies

Alessandra R. Guimarães, Universidade Santa Úrsula
Regina Helena Potsch Andreata, Universidade Santa Úrsula
Doutora em Ciências Biológicas; Bolsista de Produtividade do CNPq; Docente da Universidade Santa Úrsula, Rio de Janeiro. E-mail: regina.andreata@gmail.com
Antônio de O. Dias Neto, Universidade Santa Úrsula
Graduado em Ciências Biológicas; Bolsista PIBIC/CNPq pela Universidade Santa Úrsula, Rio de Janeiro - Laboratório de Anatomia vegetal. E-mail: antonioanato@yahoo.com.br
Maria Helena D. A. Monteiro, Universidade Santa Úrsula
Doutora em Ciências Biológicas; Docente do Laboratório de Anatomia Vegetal na Universidade Santa Úrsula. E-mail: mhduraes@yahoo.com.br