Fish culture in tanks in Petrolândia-PE, Brazil: local production apparatus under construction

  • Bruno Cardoso Gonçalves da Rocha Companhia de Desenvolvimento dos Vales do São Francisco e Parnaíba - CODEVASF
  • Tales Vital Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco - UFRPE
Keywords: Local Productive Arrangement, Local development, Fish-breeding culture


The municipality of Petrolância in the hinterlands of the northeastern state of Pernambuco, Brazil, has excellent conditions for the development of intensive fish-breeding culture in tanks. The above activity has stimulated great interest in the region’s riverine communities. These communities started to request the government to give them conditions that would make this technology possible and feasible. Due to the involvement of several agents and interrelationships, the above activity may be characterized as a Local Productive Arrangement. On the other hand, the introduction of a democratic discussion channel called COMDESPE (Forum for Change) and the commitment of institutions involved in the activity integrating working groups (Laboratory for Innovation) which provide support decisions (Hearing Sites), strengthened and developed the fish culture LPA of Petrolândia.

Author Biographies

Bruno Cardoso Gonçalves da Rocha, Companhia de Desenvolvimento dos Vales do São Francisco e Parnaíba - CODEVASF
Engenheiro de Pesca e Mestrando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração e Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável - PADR – UFRPE; E-mail:
Tales Vital, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco - UFRPE
Doutor em Economia, Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração e Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável - PADR – UFRPE; E-mail: