The Igarapé do Gigante macro-basin: planning unit for the management of the Tarumã Basin

  • Kellem Andrezza de Araújo Freitas Braga Centro Universitário de Ensino Superior do Amazonas - CIESA
  • Frederico Fonseca da Silva Instituto Federal do Paraná - IFPR
  • Valter Roberto Schaffrath Instituto Federal do Paraná - IFPR
Keywords: Administration of Water, Igarapé do Gigante Micro-basin, Resources, Water Management.


The Igarapé do Gigante macro-basin in the southwestern region of Manaus AM Brazil is the main tributary of the Tarumã macro-basin of mixed hydrography. In fact, a section lies within the urban limits and another in the rural area. Although such qualities may provide ideal conditions for a better life quality to local communities, the basin has been neglected and significant environmental changes throughout the watercourse have been detected. Current research analyzes the Igarapé do Gigante micro-basin as a planning unit for the management of the Tarumã basin. Investigation comprises a revision of the literature on the water resources in contemporary society with an analysis of the legislation involved and their relationship with models of existing management. The Igarapé do Gigante micro-basin with its social, economical and environmental peculiarities is thus studied. Changes in the micro-basin’s water quality, in the use and irregular occupation of the soil, in sanitary infrastructure and in forest remnants have been identified. The environmental diagnosis of the Iguarapé do Gigante micro-basin has an important role in the elaboration of management and contributes towards efficient public policies for water resources.

Author Biographies

Kellem Andrezza de Araújo Freitas Braga, Centro Universitário de Ensino Superior do Amazonas - CIESA
Mestre em Ciências Florestais e Ambientais pela Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM; Docente do Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Gestão Ambiental – CIESA, Email:
Frederico Fonseca da Silva, Instituto Federal do Paraná - IFPR
Valter Roberto Schaffrath, Instituto Federal do Paraná - IFPR
Doutor em Agroecologia; Docente do Instituto Federal do Paraná - IFPR; Engenheiro Agrônomo; Email: