The Relationship Between the Indigenous Group Guarani-Mybiá and the Environment: the Bases for Agro-Ecology

  • Raoni Kriegel Kriegel Instituto Federal do Paraná - IFPR
  • Edísio Oliveira de Azevedo Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - UFCG
  • Frederico Fonseca da Silva Instituto federal do Paraná - IFPR
Keywords: Agro-Ecology, Indigenous Thought, Environment


Current analysis forwards the relationship between the knowledge of the indigenous group Guarani-Mybiá and the environment which they inhabit. The essay does not produce well-defined results but aims at discussing and reflecting on values and traditional knowledge which are the bases of Agro-ecology. The manner the Guaranis undertake traditional agriculture and the management of natural resources evidences their relationship with the environment. Traditional knowledge coupled to modern science provides big strides to understand human and production relationship with the environment.

Author Biographies

Raoni Kriegel Kriegel, Instituto Federal do Paraná - IFPR
Edísio Oliveira de Azevedo, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - UFCG
Médico Veterinário, doutor em Ciência Médico Veterinário; Doutor em Ciência Veterinária pela Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco – UFRPE; Atualmente é Docente Adjunto da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande – UFCG, PB
Frederico Fonseca da Silva, Instituto federal do Paraná - IFPR
Engenheiro Agrônomo; Doutor em Irrigação e Meio Ambiente; Docente e Pesquisador do Instituto Federal do Paraná - IFPR