Effects of Climate and Environmental Factors on the Health of Forest Workers

  • Janaine Vosniak Batista Secretaria de Estado da Educação - SEED
  • Otávio Bezerra Sampaio Instituto Federal do Paraná - IFPR
  • Frederico Fonseca da Silva Instituto Federal do Paraná - IFPR
Keywords: Ergonomy, Labor Safety, Work In Forests


The work environment in established activities of forest settlements is analyzed. Forty-two workers digging holes, seeding and fertilizing were evaluated and rates were compared to those permitted by Brazilian law. Climate conditions, temperature, solar illumination and noise factor were analyzed by appropriate scientific methods. Climatic conditions met the rates prescribed by Brazilian law (Norm of the Ministry of Labor and Employment) consisting of the Wet Bulb Globe Thermometer Index up to 25°C for hard work. Highest rate occurred at noon (21.2°C) during digging activity and there was no need for rest. Since work was in the open air, luminosity was satisfactory according to the Brazilian reference Norm 5413/92, which evaluates only minimum limits (200 to 500 Lux – Luminosity intensity measurement unit). Rates of solar illumination were high and workers should have been protected during the hottest period. Mean daily noise rate of the motor-excavator was 225% with Leq (Level equivalent, Level of Equivalent Sound Pressure in dB) of 90.8 dB, exceeding the limit prescribed by Law for eight working hours of 100% and 85 dB (NR15). Workers used hearing protectors with noise reduction rating (NRRsf ) of 15 dB and Leq reduced to 75.8 dB (fitting NR-15). Levels of instantaneous noise varied at the different phases of digging. In fact, digging was the most risky to hearing, with a duration of 211.5 minutes and mean noise level at 100.03 dB. This fact shows the importance of the constant use of the hearing protector

Author Biographies

Janaine Vosniak Batista, Secretaria de Estado da Educação - SEED
Engenheira Florestal; Engenheira de Segurança do Trabalho; Mestre em Ciências Florestais; Docente da Secretaria de Estado da Educação - SEED
Otávio Bezerra Sampaio, Instituto Federal do Paraná - IFPR
Engenheiro Florestal; Doutor em Ciências Florestais; Docente e Pesquisador do Instituto Federal do Paraná - IFPR
Frederico Fonseca da Silva, Instituto Federal do Paraná - IFPR