Reverse Logistics of Packages of Pesticides in an Agricultural Cooperative

  • Michele Medianeira Martins Freitas Faculdade Palotina de Santa Maria
  • Jaqueline Hintz Hoppe Centro Universitário Franciscano
  • Lisandra Taschetto Murini Centro Universitário Franciscano
Keywords: Environmental Awareness, Packages, Reverse Logistics


Reverse logistics is a tool for decision-taking in firms. There is currently great concern for sustainability to diminish impacts from the inadequate disposal of waste in the environment. Current analysis demonstrates the motives that associated members of the Mixed Agricultural Cooperative have in returning the empty packages of pesticides for proper disposal. A research instrument with 26 closed questions was applied to 54 producers who are associated to the cooperative. Survey occurred between December 2012 and January 2013. Results show that the motives of members to return the packages of pesticides after their use are primarily environmental ones, followed by the problem produced by the accumulation of empty packages and wastes, and the issue that empty packages in inadequate sites may cause disease, possible poisoning of animals, degradation of the environment and harm to human populations. Undue accumulation of empty packages on farms contributes significantly on the environment and may bring serious risks against the environment.

Author Biographies

Michele Medianeira Martins Freitas, Faculdade Palotina de Santa Maria
Mestre em Engenharia de Produção pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM; Docente no curso de Administração da Faculdade Palotina de Santa Maria – FAPAS, Santa Maria, (RS), Brasil
Jaqueline Hintz Hoppe, Centro Universitário Franciscano
Graduada em Ciências Contábeis na Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul – UNISC; Pós-graduada em Gestão de Negócios no Centro Universitário Franciscano – UNIFRA, Santa Maria, (RS), Brasil.
Lisandra Taschetto Murini, Centro Universitário Franciscano
Mestre em Engenharia de Produção pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM; Docente da Faculdade de Ciências Contábeis e Administrativas de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - FACCACI, (ES), Brasil