Acknowledgement of the Rights of Transsexuals as Rights of the Person

  • Valéria Silva Galdino Cardin UniCesumar - Centro Universitário UniCesumar
  • Fernanda Moreira Benvenuto UniCesumar - Centro Universitário Cesumar
Keywords: Transsexuals, Rights of the Personality, Acknowledgement


Transsexuality as an inconsistency of gender is analyzed. Transsexual persons are characterized by the desire to adequate their anatomical sex to their psychosocial one. The principles of the dignity of the human person, the autonomy of freewill, and equality and freedom foreground the free exercise of gender identity of transsexual persons who feel discomfort within the social heteronormative standard and its sexual fitness. These principles warrant their recognition and inclusion within society as a fulfillment of rights and individual quarantees. The transsexual persons rights are violated when these persons are denied sexual consistency, change of name and sexual identity in their civil certificates. Results show that the fulfillment of transsexual persons´ rights will occur when norms are promulgated that would warrant the consequences of their sexual accomplishment and equal treatment, the prohibition of any discrimination and victimization, and their acknowledgement by social institutions.

Author Biographies

Valéria Silva Galdino Cardin, UniCesumar - Centro Universitário UniCesumar
Fernanda Moreira Benvenuto, UniCesumar - Centro Universitário Cesumar
Cartorária em Maringá - PR, (2ª Vara de Família, Sucessões e Acidente de Trabalho); Mestranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Jurídicas Mestrado com ênfase em Direitos da Personalidade no Centro Universitário UniCesumar; Especialista em Direito de Família à luz da Responsabilidade Civil pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina – UEL. E-mail: