Orthotonasia: Contributions of the Personality Rights to the Dignity in Dying

  • Giovanny Vitório Baratto Cocicov UFPR


The death presupposes the life, which requires protection and respect to the dignity that carries. This article claims to the orthotonasia, a normal death in time and forms, supported by ethical standards of protection to the human being and full of juridical tutelages. The personality rights deal with the discussions about the end of life. The magnitude of the personality rights, expressed by its object, aligned to the main characteristics, gives a safe framework to the essential iter, inevitable end of all humans, in worthy concepts.

Author Biography

Giovanny Vitório Baratto Cocicov, UFPR
Mestrando em Direito (Área de Concentração: Direitos Humanos e Democracia) pela Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR; Advogado.