Minorities and the Search for Acknowledgement in the Democratic State: An Approach from the Principles by Jurgen Habermas and Nancy Fraser

  • Priscila Anselmini Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS)
  • Jessica Cristianetti Universidade do Vale dos Sinos (UNISINOS)
Keywords: Jürgen Habermas, Minorities, Nancy Fraser, Procedure Democracy, Tridimensional theory


The theoretical aspects from the point of view of the theories by Habermas and Fraser are discussed to provide solutions for the acknowledgement and protection of the rights of minority populations. Analysis highlights the concept of minority through quantitative and qualitative criteria. The theoretical aspects proposed by Habermas are discussed to give voice to people through democratic procedures and the discourse theory legitimating law and administration authority. Current paper also verifies the theory of tri-dimension justice and the concept of subaltern counterpublics by Fraser, with critique to Habermas´s theory and defending the need for the acknowledgement and redistribution, also on the political plane, for minorities to have a participating equality in public life. What are the reaches of Habermas´s and Fraser´s theories for the acknowledgement and protect of minority groups? Which theory is most efficient with regard to minority rights? The theoretical aspects of Habermas´s and Fraser´s doctrines are exploited to verify which theory may bring better perspectives for the acknowledgement and protection of minority rights. Current bibliographical and documental research is foregrounded on the hypothetical, deductive, qualitative method and technique.

Author Biographies

Priscila Anselmini, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS)
Bolsista Capes/PROEX do Curso de Mestrado em Direito Público pela UNISINOS; Assessora jurídica da Prefeitura Municipal de Barão/RS; Advogada na área de Direito Empresarial e Tributário. Brasil.
Jessica Cristianetti, Universidade do Vale dos Sinos (UNISINOS)
Doutorado Sanduíche em andamento na Penn State University, em State College/PA, bolsista CAPES/PDSE. Doutoranda em Direito Público pela Universidade do Vale dos Sinos (UNISINOS), Bolsista CNPq. Brasil.