Keywords: Emergency Medicine, Civil responsability, Medical error, Personality Rights, Access to justice


This scientific article addresses the relationship between emergency medicine, access to justice, medical errors and civil liability from the perspective of personality rights. In emergency situations, professionals from different areas, including doctors, may be more susceptible to making mistakes due to the pressure of time and the situation. However, in the case of doctors, these errors can result in serious harm, including the death of the patient, which is worsened by the lack of beds and properly trained professionals. One of the main questions raised is whether the duty to compensate arises from objective or subjective fault in the case of medical error. Furthermore, it is questioned whether the amount of compensation can be minimized due to the normal characteristics and pressures of the emergency medical environment. The article also explores the impact of medical error on image and honor, which are personality rights, both for doctors and patients. To address these issues, under the sieve of the hypothetical-deductive method, the article analyzes the legal, doctrinal and legal-decision-making foundations that involve civil liability in cases of medical error, highlighting possible solutions to reconcile the protection of personality rights with the need to ensure access to justice and adequate accountability in cases of medical negligence in emergency medicine.

Author Biography

Pedro Ricardo Souza Compasso , Faculdade Pequeno Príncipe

Graduated in Medicine from the Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Vitória School of Medicine (2004). Postgraduate in Basic and Advanced Cardiology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (2007) and Specialization in Pulmonology and Phthisiology from SBPT - Hospital Cajuru - Curitiba - PR (2011). He was a Biology teacher for Pre-College Courses from 1999 to 2009. He is currently a doctor at Hospitals Bom Jesus, Regional University, in the city of Ponta Grossa-PR. He has been a professor of Undergraduate Medicine at the State University of Ponta Grossa, since 2012, in the disciplines of pulmonology and semiology. He has experience in the areas of Pulmonology, Internal Medicine and Intensive Care, which he currently develops. He holds a Master's degree in Teaching in Health Sciences from Faculdade Pequeno Príncipe.


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