Electric-Electronic Devises Handled by Children: Analysis of Advertisement Films by a Cell Phone Company


  • Mariana Springer Almeida Fatec - Faculdade de Tecnologia do Estado de São Paulo


Electro-electronic Devices, Contemporary Capitalism, Cell Phones, Advertisements for or Childr


cio-political discourse and values in advertisement films for children and adolescents are assessed to see whether they influence the buying of electro-electronic devices by children. The literature on Contemporary Capitalism, Consumer Society and Adolescence, ranging between advertisements for children and adolescents and self-regulation and the benefits or not in the use of electro-electronic devices, is reviewed. Two analyses on advertisement films exhibited by a cell phone company in open TV channels were undertaken. A questionnaire was applied in 114 countries for 0 – 12 year-olds to identify the reasons why children consume electro-electronic devices, furnishing data on the reasons for buying and demand for the devices. Since results showed the responsibility of the publicity company due to its incisive discourse, the author recommends the need for regulations or the sheer banning of such advertisements. The author ?s final considerations on a bibliographic review and interpretation of the analyses of films and results of the questionnaire revealed that advertisements have enormous social responsibility. In fact, debates on the elimination of advertisement for children or its strict regulation should always occur in society. Such advertisements should not be conceived as the primary influence on the consumption of devices by children since other social situations are also great incentives for children ?s consumption.

Author Biography

Mariana Springer Almeida, Fatec - Faculdade de Tecnologia do Estado de São Paulo

Discente do curso de MBA Executivo em Gestão Empresarial pela Faculdade de Tecnologia do Estado de São Paulo (Fatec).



How to Cite

Almeida, M. S. (2015). Electric-Electronic Devises Handled by Children: Analysis of Advertisement Films by a Cell Phone Company. Iniciação Científica Cesumar, 17(2), 133–143. Retrieved from https://periodicos.unicesumar.edu.br/index.php/iccesumar/article/view/3287