Deciding Process in Public and Private Sectors: Exploratory and Comparative Study on Decision Taking
Decision in the Private Sector, Decision in the Public Sector, Comparative Study, Decision Process.Abstract
All organizations experience the need for decision-taking on problems with several alternatives. Decisions are different when the public and private stances are taken into account. Numberless variables have to be considered so that the best decision level may be valid in each stance. Current analysis evaluates decisions in an educational public institution and in a private organization in the area of Technology of Information and Communication. The perspectives of managers that decide and the characteristics and differences in the practice of decisions in the analyzed segments may be perceived by a survey questionnaire in a multi-case research.Downloads
How to Cite
Souza, M. A., & Gonçalves, M. F. C. P. (2015). Deciding Process in Public and Private Sectors: Exploratory and Comparative Study on Decision Taking. Iniciação Científica Cesumar, 17(1), 49–61. Retrieved from
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