Use of hormonal regulators in the germination and development of orchid seedlings in vitro
Catteya bicolor, reguladores hormonais, cultivo “in vitro”Abstract
This work had the objective to assess the germination rate and development of seedlings of Cattleya bicolor (Orchidacea) using the regulators ?-naphthaleneacetic acid and gibeleric acid in the seeds pre-imbibition treatment. Knudson’s medium was employed for the inoculum. The seeds were previously treated with the regulators in the concentrations of 0.0; 1.0; 2.0 and 5.0 mg/L for 24 hours. The treatment with giberelic acid was shown to be more effective in relation to the number of seedlings formed. The percentage of protocorms with buds was greater in the treatment with giberelic acid in the concentrations of 2.0 and 5.0 mg/L. The auxine was not shown to be effective in the seeds pre-imbibition treatment of Cattleya bicolor in its development in vitro.Downloads
How to Cite
Santos, G. A., Saito, B. C., Monteiro, D. de P., Gutierre, M. A. M., & Zonetti, P. da C. (2007). Use of hormonal regulators in the germination and development of orchid seedlings in vitro. Iniciação Científica Cesumar, 9(1), 7–12. Retrieved from
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