Physical education at school and the body: methodological proposals and the PCNs


  • Edinéia de Fátima Orvath CESUMAR
  • Vilson Aparecido da Mata CESUMAR


escola, corpo, metodologias


Physical Education at school is a discipline that necessarily uses the body, and consequently, movement. Thus, it could contribute more effectively if its activities were linked with elements that could provide the students with more knowledge about health and life quality. This bibliographical work had the objective to relate the methodological proposals from the 80’s and 90’s with the regulations established in the National Curricular Parameters (PCNs), seeking a referential for the democratization, humanization and diversification of the pedagogical practice, by the understanding the conceptions of body expressed in them. The PCNs are open proposals for education, and bring an approach for the body as an integrated system, not having a separation between body and mind. In the body, the social image of the student is visualized, their economical, feeding and racial as well as physiological factors are identified, so that it is possible to understand how the body survives, how it keeps alive, how we breath and how we feed. The arts bring a cultural concept of the body that allows concluding in which culture the body is inserted. For this study, the following methodological proposals were used: the open methodology fom Reiner Hildebrant, according which the Physical Education classes should be concentrated on the movement, and not only on the techniques, concerned with the way it is worked, accessed and its contents are made meaningful for the students; the critical-overcoming methodology, brought about by a Collective of Authors and Valter Bracht, in which the classes must be concentrated in the corporal culture found in sports, games, gymnastics and in the dance, in the meaning of concepts coherent and useful for reality; the critical-emancipating methodology, from Eleonor Kunz, that seeks to lead the student to become a thinking being, the classes focused on the human movement and their social transformations; the social-systemic methodology, from Mauro Betty, according which the classes propose an interaction between students, since society is in constant change and the school must follow this change; and finally, the Human Motility Science, from Manuel Sergio, in which the movement must contain an intention. What was found in these methodological proposals is the importance given to the human movement and the corporal culture, as well as de mediation of teachers for the development of the historical knowledge produced and the knowledge lived by students.

Author Biographies

Edinéia de Fátima Orvath, CESUMAR

Acadêmica do Curso de Educação Física do CESUMAR – Centro Universitário de Maringá, Bolsista do Programa de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica do CESUMAR (PROBIC) – E-mail:

Vilson Aparecido da Mata, CESUMAR

Orientador e Docente do curso de Educação Física do CESUMAR – Centro Universitário de Maringá – E-mail:;



How to Cite

Orvath, E. de F., & Mata, V. A. da. (2007). Physical education at school and the body: methodological proposals and the PCNs. Iniciação Científica Cesumar, 9(1), 13–26. Retrieved from



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