Prevalence study tabaco smoking in patients with lung cancer


  • Fabiana Magalhães Navarro PUC-PR
  • Carla Adriane Pires Ragasson FEPAR-PR


tabagismo, fator de risco, prevalência


Lung Cancer is one of the illness with the lowest cure rate due to its difficult for early diagnosis. In association to this, there is na important relation of this desease with tabaco smoking, where its signs and symptoms differs as for its tumor location in the Lung. The objective of this study is to make a study of the prevalence of Lung cancer between tabaco smoking people. The date for this study was collected by interview and evaluation of 16 patients from Nossa Senhora da Salete Hospital (located in Cascavel-PR). After the collection and evaluation of the data, the tabaco smoking group was compared with the non-tabaco smoking group and the findings were related with the cientific research. It was observed na incidence of 87,5% of the tabaco dependent patients and verified that 100% of these patients analyzed developed some type of tumor dissemination. In both patient, the cancer were identified in advanced stage. Due to these findings, it is important to emphasize the fight against tabaco smoking due to the fact that the results were more harmful in relation of lung cancer development.

Author Biographies

Fabiana Magalhães Navarro, PUC-PR

Fisioterapeuta, pós graduanda em gerontologia, PUC-PR. E-mail:

Carla Adriane Pires Ragasson, FEPAR-PR

Mestre, Docente do curso de Fisioterapia da FEPAR-PR. E-mail:



How to Cite

Navarro, F. M., & Ragasson, C. A. P. (2007). Prevalence study tabaco smoking in patients with lung cancer. Iniciação Científica Cesumar, 9(1), 39–44. Retrieved from



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