• Lucas Villan Arrue
  • Júlio Cézar Adam
Keywords: Christianity, Culture, Pop culture.


Christianity is a highly relevant factor in Western Culture. Throughout history, it had to take sides on different occurrences, structures and other cultural expressions, especially religious and academic. Nowadays Christianity is also immersed within different cultural expressions and, consequently, different religious stances. Pop culture within the postmodern age is one of the densest cultural expressions in history which manifests itself differently and requires a unique adherence by postmodern agents. In fact, it modifies their behavior and interaction with the milieu and with other people. Current research endeavors to define pop culture and evaluate it, particularly with regard to manifestations in the social media to manifest its challenges to Christianity within this type of cultural manifestation.

Author Biographies

Lucas Villan Arrue
estudante de graduação do curso Bacharelado em Teologia na Faculdades EST, em São Leopoldo /RS, Brasil e bolsista de iniciação científica pelo CNPQ
Júlio Cézar Adam
doutor em Teologia e professor adjunto de Teologia Prática, na Faculdades EST, em São Leopoldo/RS, Brasil


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