Keywords: Agriculture and stockbreeding, Agro-industrial chain, Gross internal product, Input-product


The Gross Internal Product (GIP) of agribusiness for 190 countries divided into four aggregates (input, agriculture-stockbreeding, industry and services) was estimated and the relationship between rates and per capita income was tested. Methodology is foregrounded on the input-product matrix whilst Eora Global Supply Chain and World Bank Databases for 2015 were employed. Results show that Agribusiness participated with 17% in world GIP, with the highest absolute rates for China, United States, India, Japan and Brazil. When the greatest 50 world economies are taken into account, highest percentage rates of Agribusiness in total GIP were reached by Indonesia (39%), India (38%), Turkey (36%), China (27%), Argentina (24%) and Poland (24%). Brazil had a 22% participation in GIP of Agribusiness in the country´s economy. Increase in the countries´ per capita income produces a decrease in the participation of agribusiness in the economy and modification of the distribution structure of aggregated values with an increase in the participation of industry and services.

Author Biographies

Renan Lima Amarante, Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL
Graduando em Ciências Contábeis pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL. Bolsista Iniciação científica na área de Economia com fomento da Fundação Araucária, Brasil.
Umberto Antonio Sesso Filho, Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL
Engenheiro, mestre e doutor em Economia aplicada (Universidade de São Paulo), docente no Departamento de Economia da Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL, Brasil.


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