Allelopathic potential of Chloris gayana extracts in the germination of soybean and the hairy beggartick
Allelopathy, Competition, Germinative process, WeedsAbstract
The allelopathic effect of concentrations of extracts of the aerial section of Chloris gayana under the germination of soybean seeds and hairy beggartick is evaluated. Assay was conducted in a totally randomized design where seeds were placed on germitest paper with an aqueous extract of leaves of C. gayana in concentrations 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% and maintained in a germination chamber at 25°C for a 12-h light photoperiod. Variables analyzed comprised first germination count, germination percentage, germination speed index, length and dry mass of root, aerial and total section. Data underwent analysis of variance by test F (p<0.05) and regression analysis for different concentrations of the extract. Results showed that aqueous extract of C. gayana may significantly affect the germination and initial growth of seedlings, with a reduction of up to 26% on soybean germination with 50% concentration, plus the lowest development of seedlings of both species as from 25% of extract. Results show that aqueous extracts of Chloris gayana leaves have an allelopathic effect on seed germination and growth of soybean seedlings at concentrations 50 and 100%, respectively. In the case of hairy beggartick, there was no significant effect of the extracts in seed germination, except for total length and total dry mass of the seedlings, at concentrations 50 and 75%, respectively.References
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