Dendrometric characteristics of a stand of Pinus taeda L. submitted to different management regimes
Thinning intensity, Forest management, Silvicultural treatmentsAbstract
The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of different thinning intensities on the dendrometrics characteristics of a P. taeda stand at 37 years of age, in the County of Campo Belo do Sul, Santa Catarina. Planting was carried out in 1982, with 2,500 trees ha-1, and the experiment was delimited in 1986, when the forest was four years old. The treatments tested consisted of the selection of 400 potential trees ha-1 that were favored by the removal of their direct competitors. Altogether, seven thinning’s were carried out, where none (control), one, two, four or all trees that were directly competing with the potential trees were removed. In the inventory, circumference at breast height and total height (h) were measured. Subsequently, the averages of diameter at breast height (DBH), total height (h), diameter and dominant height (ddom, hdom) and individual volume (v) per treatment were calculated, in addition to the number of trees, basal area and volume per hectare. All variables analyzed showed significant differences between treatments, except for the accumulated volume per hectare, average and dominant height. The non-thinned treatment presented basal area and individual standing volume higher than the other treatments.References
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