Land use and occupation and anthropic pressures in a seasonally dry tropical forest in the eastern Cariri of Paraíba, Brazil
Caatinga, Logging, Forest resourcesAbstract
The Caatinga is an endemic biome in Brazil and classified as a seasonally dry tropical forest, with relevant biodiversity and environmental and social importance. However, anthropic activities such as burning, deforestation, agriculture and grazing, have been suppressing considerable areas of vegetation in this biome, contributing to its fragmentation. In this sense, this study aimed to analyze the anthropic pressures under the Caatinga biome in the micro-region of the Cariri Oriental da Paraíba, using metrics such as land use and cover, suppression of primary and secondary vegetation, as well as the extraction of firewood and production of coal. Data from three different databases were used (BDiA; MAPBIOMAS and SIDRA), analyzed separately and, subsequently, together through principal component analysis (PCA). Considerable differences were observed for land use and cover among the municipalities in this micro-region, with predominance of areas with agriculture and livestock and Wooded Stépica Savannah. The mosaic of uses (Pastures/Agriculture) was the main agricultural land use class in Eastern Cariri. Suppression of primary vegetation greater than 1000 hectares was registered in the years 1990, 1991, 1992, 1995, 1996 and 1998. Significant values of firewood extraction (>130,000 m3 per year) were observed in the period 1998-2001. The ACP showed significant associations between the suppression of primary vegetation and the production of firewood and charcoal. The results together demonstrate the local susceptibility of the Caatinga and the need for conservation actions in this biome.References
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