• Geraldo Magela Jardim Barra
  • Marcelo Bronzo Ladeira
Keywords: Process maturing models, Sustainable production, Certified coffee.


The bases for the construction of a mature model for certified processes in agro-industrial system are forwarded. A mature model was developed for certified processes within the coffee agro-industrial system by means of an exploratory study in certified coffees. A research on process maturity and certificates in coffee culture was undertaken and a model was developed based on the conduct code UTZ Certified (2015), validated by experts in process management, coffee culture specialists and coffee culture managers. The contribution of current paper for agribusiness is centered on the maturity model established and on the proposed maturity cycle method which identifies the critical points of each specific firm. Recommendations for process improvement are thus possible.

Author Biographies

Geraldo Magela Jardim Barra
Doutor em Administração pelo CEPEAD/UFMG. Coordenador de Curso de Administração da Rede de Ensino Doctum.
Marcelo Bronzo Ladeira
Docente Associado do CEPEAD/UFMG. Doutor em Administração pelo CEPEAD/UFMG e foi Visiting Scholar (pesquisador visitante) da Faculdade de Economia e Comércio da Universidade de Bologna, Itália.


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