Spatialization of salinity and sodium in cambisol cultivated with irrigated mango trees
Geo-statistics, Soil degradation, Soil and water managementAbstract
When irrigation management is not properly conducted in irrigation areas, especially in semi-arid regions, soil may be salinized and sodiumized, with decrease in agricultural productivity. Investigation of spatial variation of the factors that condition the processes is extremely important in agricultural planning. Current analysis mapped the space variability of salinity and sodiumized in an area with irrigated mango trees in the Vale do Açu (RN), Brazil. Statistical and geostatistical techniques were applied by GeoR and Vesper software. The sampling grid was performed in a rectangular area of 100 m x 64 m (6,400 m²), points distanced 16 m x 10 m, totaling 40 samples. Variables Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, pH, CE, PST and RAS were determined. Results indicate that the area has low risk in salinity and sodiumization. Attributes behaved heterogeneously, with the exception of K+ and pH presenting a low variation coefficient. Spatial dependence was weak for Na+, K+ and RAS, moderate for attributes pH, CE and PST, and strong for Ca and Mg only. Geo-statistics proved to be a tool capable of delimiting the areas with higher and lower concentrations in unsampled sites, contributing to the rational use of soil and water.References
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