Performance and economic risk in the partial replacement of dry grains from a corn distillary in the diet of laying poultry
Alternative diet, DDG, Eggs, Hot climate, Soybean mealAbstract
Current research evaluates the effect of the inclusion of corn distillery dry grains (DDG) as a partial replacement of soybean meal on the economic performance of laying poultry within a system of floor and hot climate. Assay was conducted at the Experimental Farm of the Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT) in Santo Antônio do Leverger MT, Brazil, with 150 Hisex Brown laying hens, aged between 54 and 62 weeks, distributed in a totally randomized design, five treatments, six replications and five animals/replication. Treatments comprised five levels: 0; 5; 10; 15; and 20% de DDG of corn in a partial replacement of soybean meal for poultry feed. Risk analysis was calculated by Monte Carlo Simulation, evaluating the impact of oscillation of prices of the main sources (DDG, soybean meal and corn) and the product (eggs) on the economic indicators of feed costs, total budget and profit. The replacement of DDG in poultry meal reduced costs in feeding and in the activity´s economic risk. The 5% DDG replacement had the best economic results in profit when compared to the other treatments.References
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