Investor’s Profile Analysis Based on Their Subjective Analysis Perceptions of the Risk and Return

  • Domingos Rodrigues Pandelo Jr. Instituto de Tecnologia de Aeronáutica - ITA
Keywords: Decision Making, Risk, Investor’s Profile.


It is intended in this research is to discuss some important aspects, and basics of the fundamentals that guide, or should guide the decisions of economic agents in their decision making. It will be evaluated the investors’ logic, in order to determine their profile, with the risk. The back ground will be studied how these variables affect their decision making.

Author Biography

Domingos Rodrigues Pandelo Jr., Instituto de Tecnologia de Aeronáutica - ITA
Funcionário de carreira do Banco Central do Brasil; Docente das áreas de Finanças e Métodos Quantitativos Aplicados no Instituto de Tecnologia de Aeronáutica – ITA. E-mail:
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