Women, Witches and English Literature: A Counter-Discourse

  • Silvio Ruiz Paradiso Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL
Keywords: Witch, Feminism, English Literature, Shakespeare.


Women’s representations have been constantly revised as from the heyday of Feminists Studies in the 1970s. Ancient archetypes related to the female have also been demystified and deconstructed. Current research discusses the representation of the witch as a metaphor of sexual and gender oppression. Several characters in English literature, specifically from Shakespeare’s texts, will be investigated.

Author Biography

Silvio Ruiz Paradiso, Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL
Detras - teoria literária. Mestrando da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Bolsista do CNPq.Membro do grupo de pesquisa sobre afro - descendentes na literatura brasileira (UFMG/UEL), do grupo de pesquisa sobre Literaturas e minorias étnicas (CESUMAR) e do laboratório de Estudos sobre religiões e religiosidades LERR (UEL). Especialista em Cultura afro-brasileira
Artigos Originais