Psychological Terror in the Short Story: The Logic of the Supplement in Poe, Gilman And Akutagawa

  • Nils Goran Skare
Keywords: Poe, Gilman, Akutagawa, Terror, Supplement.


Current analysis deals with the paradigm of the short story of psychological terror through the study of three of its most important representatives: Poe, Gilman and Akutagawa. Two structural axes are developed, or rather, Lacanian concepts with the development of the notions of the Borromean knot and its semiotics; and Julia Kristeva’s approach on the four signifying modalities. The phallic and the master signifiers in the short stories by each author and the paradigms according to the signifying modalities are characterized. The analytics of the Borromean knot are applied to these practices and the concept that theory is the supplement of narrative will be discussed. The paradoxical nature of the supplement will be briefly discussed and certain characteristics of deconstruction will be forwarded.

Author Biography

Nils Goran Skare
Graduado Ciências Sociais e Letras na Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR; Editor e Tradutor de obras como as do poeta E. E. Cummings e do dramaturgo August Strindberg. E-mail:
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