Contratos de consumo: competência relativa ou absoluta?

  • Sidney Kendy Matsuguma CESUMAR
  • Paulo André de Souza CESUMAR


The present work aimed at to verify the position in the jurisprudence and it indoctrinates on the competence for the cases of election forum in consumption contract, and like this, starting from the analysis, qualifying her as absolute or relative, in order to legitimate or not, the recognition for the magistrate of the incompetence without the outhor´s manifestation or of the defendant.

Author Biographies

Sidney Kendy Matsuguma, CESUMAR
Acadêmico do 3º ano o Curso Jurídico do CESUMAR
Paulo André de Souza, CESUMAR
Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Estadual de maringá. Doutorando pela Universidade Del Museo Social Argentino. Professor de Processo Civil e Coordenador do Curso Jurídico do CESUMAR
Artigos Originais