A educação Hebraica: o magistério dos profetas

  • José Joaquim Pereira Melo UEM


In Hebraic society, family acquired the meaning "home", which is related to "big family", according to Jave´s concept. In such scenery, the father, known as the authority or the head in sacred texts, was responsible for children´s education. Outside the family sphere, the prophets played significant teaching role, while accusing their people´s cultural, religious and spiritual deviations, exhorting the need for turning back to the laws bequeatherd by their ancestors and to the alliances formed with Jave. However, the prophet´s accusations were unfruitful because, in spite of their identification with the consequences of economical and social orders, stablished among Hebrews, they did not perceive the force engendering the new picture. Thus, they called people to return to old time, not taking into account that the new patriarchal model of pacts and alliances were inadequate and definitely fading, due to the changes society was going though.

Author Biography

José Joaquim Pereira Melo, UEM
Doutor em História, Professor do departamento de Fundamentos da Educação e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM.
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