The education concept in Seneca

  • José Joaquim Pereira Melo UEM


The present study worries in making some reflection about the education concept in Sêneca. The education, for this thinsker, consisted in the subordination of the instinctive trenes to the reason, and the essential condition for this subjection, was the knowledge in oneself. It implicates that, in its conceptions, the formative process had a carácter of self-education, which the basic princiption were the Seneca thinking must be treated according to two significant conductor axles. The first is that the knowledge and the philosophy are inseparable reality; the recond that as much the philosophy as the knowledge make part of the edication essence. The first is about the formation target, or rather to the “consummate” education, in other words, the “realization” of the education.

Author Biography

José Joaquim Pereira Melo, UEM
Doutor em História. Professor do Departamento de Fundamentos da Educação da Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM.
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