Socialand education change in former México

  • Reginaldo Aliçandro Bordin CESUMAR


The current assignment aimed to study the origins, the development and the education of the Aztec civilization. originating from the north of Mexico, they crossed parts of the Mexican territory until they settled between the lakes of "Texcoco", were they stayed definitely. Warriors, they controlled other tribes that were settled there too, and they developed economically, collecting money. As they got rich, they centralized the political power in the hands of the religious leaders that defined stricter standards of behavior. For that, such leaders had the cooperation of an educational system, which was organized in two phases: informal and formal. The former fell to the parents and members of the collective the task to teach the basic behavior to the children, besides teaching the domestic chores. In the foral education two schools contributed: the "telpochcalli" and the "calmécac". The "telpochcalli" was the school which was responsible to train the youngsters for the war, but it was also taught religion, music, dance and communitarian work. The "calmécac" had the objective to deepen the teaching of religious, what demonstrates that this was the school that hold responsible mainly for educating priest and those who would lead the Aztec empire. With these qualities, the Aztec education was organized aiming to offer whatever their society might need, explaining the goals of these two educational centers when preparing youngsters with emphasis in war and religious activities.

Author Biography

Reginaldo Aliçandro Bordin, CESUMAR
Mestre em Fundamentos da Educação pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM. É professor de Filosofia do Direito no CESUMAR e de Filosofia da Educação na Faculdade Palas Atena em Astorga.
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