The spirituality influence on the Leadership process

  • Plínio Antônio Silveira
  • Wagner Alessandro Teixeira


Where some activity hás a team developing, either it which will be, the figure of the leader soon is distinguished of excessively. Without asking for license, but also without if imposing of authoritarian form, it is capable to immediately perceive the necessities and the potentialities of each one, in spontaneous way, it starts to command. Creativity and enthusiasm are characteristics that differentiate it immediately. Sensitivity allows to establish with all the members of the team, what it facilitates its work to motivate, to stimulate, to hear and to find the forms to place in action ideas that appear. It exempts to thisnk, to create, to add. It hás some years the subject leaderchip base don the spiritualidade in the work must quickly evolve in this third millenium, translated in many actions differentiated in the orgazinational world, that they will revolutionize the form to lead. Today still they are isolated actions, that they appeare here and there, to the flavor of the newness, but, in the majority of the cases, still it lacks conceptual concistency. It is thus, however, that any change starts; in the beginning, na isolated and fragile act. Wme, it goes taking body, evolving, growing, changedding itself into constant action. Being thus, the objective of this article is to demonstrate the influence of the espiritualidade in the leadership process, in used which if of correct form it can result in great benefits for the corporations and mainly welfare of the led ones.

Author Biographies

Plínio Antônio Silveira
Mestre em Administração de Empresas
Wagner Alessandro Teixeira
Mestre em Administração de Empresas
Artigos Originais