Low bacteria resistance and opportunistc diseases in HIV positives patients that are not making use of anti-retroviral drugs

  • Fabiane Vieira Berg Sehahadeh CESUMAR
  • Alessandra Buzzo Romano CESUMAR


AIDS is a diseade caused by a specific virus that attacks the organism´s defense (immunological) system. The infection´s main characteristic is the immunological deficit, which makes the patient more prone to opportunistic infections. The HIV infection´s final stage finishes with death for most people infected. Considering that the greater is the viral load in the infected patient, the more serous is the disease; the re-contamination is one of factors of the infirmity´s acceleration. We cannot forget that sexual intercourse withouut protection, male an female condoms, increase the viral load in HIV positives patients, and accelerate some infections. It is a big cgallenge to keep the population, specially the youths, informed and aware about this pandemia, since the best form of control of this terrible infirmity is through information and prevention ampaingns, which warns about the risks and formas of contamination, and also about the practice of safe sex, among others.

Author Biographies

Fabiane Vieira Berg Sehahadeh, CESUMAR
Acadêmica do Curso de Biomedicina do Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR
Alessandra Buzzo Romano, CESUMAR
Acadêmica do Curso de Biomedicina do Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR
Artigos Originais