The implications of the reading activity in the life of students in the Social Work course

  • Jefferson Gustavo dos Santos Campos CESUMAR
  • Wilmara Rocha Eleotério Lima CESUMAR
  • Cristina Herold Constantino CESUMAR


When analyzing the difficulties found during the act of reading, since that they are general and common among individuals in our contemporary society, it was possible to observe that the lack of the reading habit has a significant impact in the life of many students at Cesumar. In this research, focusing on the first year of Social Work course, it has been attempted to demonstrate, taking as reference theoretical grounding as well as practical observations, that the implications of reading as well as practical observations, that the implications of reading, when carried out without care, may lead to the deficient formation of the professional in this area. Taking the general concept of reading in its most complete aspect, i.e., in an intimate, individual form, which permits the reader to interact with the texte not only in terms of de-codification of linguistic symbols, but also going beyond the barries of meaning, leading to a reciprocate interaction with text, context and living. We also aimed at bringing some contribution to the course studied, pointing to a new proposal, which brings to the students some support in terms of better using the knowledge acquired during their graduation course by the use of more effective reading.

Author Biographies

Jefferson Gustavo dos Santos Campos, CESUMAR
Acadêmico do Curso de Letras Português - Espanhol do Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR
Wilmara Rocha Eleotério Lima, CESUMAR
Acadêmica do Curso de Letras Português - Inglês do Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR
Cristina Herold Constantino, CESUMAR
Orientadora, Mestre em Sócio-Lingüística e Docente do Centro Universitário de Maringá - CESUMAR.
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