Religious teaching in the school context

  • Selson Garutti CESUMAR


On 22nd July 1997, the then president of the Brazilian Republic Fernando Henrique Cardoso signed the law no. 9.475/97, concerning religious teaching in schools. That law caused generalized confusion all round Brazil by making facultative religious teaching in schools, and disorganizing even further the already troubled subject “Religious Teaching”. We cannot lose sight of the disorganization installed in the year of 1996 by the confusion introduced by the new National Education Basis Guidelines (Law no. 9.394/96-LDBEN). The reaction of teachers in this area, as well as some social organizations and churches involved, led to the proposition of a bill to change that law. Priest Roque was responsible for the consecution of the proposition of an alternative legislation. With great effort, after long debates, a change in the LDBEN was reached, and having as result the approval of a new legislation for religious teaching, Law no. 9.475/97. The great challenge now is the effective implementation of this new law. To that aim, again, it is necessary everyone’s engagement, through debates, clarifying articles such as this one, so that the law actually becomes a reality.

Author Biography

Selson Garutti, CESUMAR
Docente do CESUMAR.
Artigos Originais