Organics: guarantee of health and the possibility of economical success for brazil

  • Fabrícia Aparecida Campiolo CESUMAR
  • Frederico Fonseca da Silva CESUMAR


This present article has aimed at presenting historical changes that agriculture has been through since its existence until present days. In this context, the following theme is being approached: Organics –guarantee of health and possibility of economical success for Brazil, since, in the world nowadays, there is a significant relation between agriculture and consumers health. The way food is cultivated affects the soil quality. This affects the plant’s balance that affects the life quality of the person who feeds on it. The international market has consumed more and more organic products, placing health in first place, and that is why the import of several products is necessary. Present statistics show that there is a large expansion potential in organic food production in Brazil, since the country possess a vast area for agriculture and a vary favorable climate for the cultivation of several different cultures, what allows for the increase in the consumption of such products not only in the domestic market but also in foreign markets. The international market is very attractive and profitable, and it is responsible for the acquisition of the major part of Brazilian products for export. Therefore, Brazil, through organic agriculture, can offer to the domestic market health and life quality, by bringing to the table of Brazilian people “clean” products, and, at the same time, guarantee expansion of income to the producers in this segment and strengthen, through exports, the Brazilian economy.

Author Biographies

Fabrícia Aparecida Campiolo, CESUMAR
Acadêmica do curso de Pós-Graduação Latu Sensu – Especialização de Gestão em Agronegócios do CESUMAR. E-mail:
Frederico Fonseca da Silva, CESUMAR
Engenheiro agrônomo, Doutor, professor e coordenador do curso de Pós-Graduação Latu Sensu – Especialização de Gestão em Agronegócio do Cesumar. E-mail:
Artigos Originais