Employability and corporative education: a case study

  • Gláucia de Souza Munhoz Cesumar


This article, resulted from a master dissertation research made by the author approaches the corporate education matter as an evolutionary step in companies training and developing area and the employability of the ones who works for these companies, having as purpose to detect and evaluate the connection between these two concepts, through a case study carried out at “The University of Varejo” (UV), at Maringá, State of Paraná. It tried to analyse the convergence, approaches and divergences between the UV performance and the conceptual model of corporate university presented by Meister (1999), and identify, quantitative and qualitatively, the employability condition of the participants in the UV educational programs. Based on the results obtained it could verify that the participants in the UV programs considered in this context kept their jobs or had their insertion facilitated in the retail trade. It could be concluded that there is reciprocity between employability and corporate education and the specificities to be detected, observed and evaluated in each situation studied are a new challenge to the human resources professionals.

Author Biography

Gláucia de Souza Munhoz, Cesumar
Doutora em Geografia Humana pela Universidade Estadual Paulista “Julio de Mesquita Filho” – UNESP; Mestre em Administração pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM; Docente do Centro Universitário de Maringá – CESUMAR.
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