Agricultural irrigation – the wheat case

  • Sergio Moita Alves Cesumar
  • Frederico Fonseca da Silva Cesumar


We know that the agricultural production is substantially affected by the atmospheric conditions, mainly by precipitation and climate. Such influence is felt on planting phases, growth, fructification and any crop. In this way, the irrigation is a theme to be debated for a type of production control, its species and the returned forms, on this paper for the wheat culture.

Author Biographies

Sergio Moita Alves, Cesumar
Administrador de Empresas; Acadêmico do curso de Pós-Graduação de Gestão de Agronegócio no Centro Universitário de Maringá – CESUMAR.
Frederico Fonseca da Silva, Cesumar
Engenheiro Agrônomo; Docente e Coordenador do curso de Pós-Graduação de Gestão em Agronegócio no Centro Universitário deMaringá – CESUMAR.
Artigos Originais