The scientific periodical transition of traditional one for the eletronic: researchers’ perceptions

  • Sandra Gomes de Oliveira Reis Cesumar
  • Maria Julia Giannasi-Kaimen UEL


this paper treats on the transition of traditional scientific periodical for the eletronic periodical, with the appearance of the eletronic periodical, that turns more accessible to scientific production produced in the country and in the world, making many printed periodicals absorbs this new format. In face of this panorama the necessity appeared to identify the conception of the scientific community - in this in case, researchers of an ies - on scientific electronic periodical, its use and its atribution for this community. For this inquiry, we try to contextualize historically the printed and electronic scientific periodical, demonstrating the similarities of its publishing characteristics and the benefits that the electronic periodical has propitiated to the scientific community. The research searched to present the transition of traditional scientific periodical to the eletronic periodical and the perception of researchers if it is acceptable or not. According to this study, with the development of computers and technologies of information and comunication, the publishing market is being provided of several eletronic alternatives that facilitate the production of scientific periodicals such as printed or as eletronic. The access to these last ones has multiplied and, in the opinion of the researchers, its use already became essential for the academic environment. The current reality presents so fast tecnological advances that society still cannot absorb these informations, that multiply at every moment and in all areas of knowledge. Inside this perspective, the eletronic periodical has grown and already became an efficient resource for the dissemination of the information.

Author Biographies

Sandra Gomes de Oliveira Reis, Cesumar
Especialista em Informação, Conhecimento e Sociedade pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina – UEL; Bibliotecária e Coordenadora do Núcleo de Apoio a Editoração e a Pesquisa – NAEP da Diretoria de Pesquisa do Centro Universitário de Maringá – CESUMAR.
Maria Julia Giannasi-Kaimen, UEL
Docente Orientadora da Universidade Estadual de Londrina – UEL.
Artigos Originais