• Vagner Luciano de Andrade
  • Veroni Friedrich
Keywords: Farmers, Rural education, Rural schooling


The submission of rural communities and population to great urban centers is common within the current socio-political context in Brazil. The community of Ribeirão do Eixo, in the municipality of Itabirito MG Brazil, on the southern section of urban expansion of the Great Belo Horizonte, is no exception. Closeness of two important urban poles, increased by great traffic on the highway BR-40, through real estate, industries and mining companies contributes towards the loss of local identity and the de-characterization of the natural landscape, with great expectations and devaluation. The region´s population expects the preservation of the Serras da Moeda and Serrinhas, the establishment of a park between the Pico and Fabrica regions and an Environmental Police Post with IEF, the administrator of the two conservation units in the region. The region is also characterized by unique cultural landscapes linked to Colonial Brazil, especially during the 17th century gold-rush. Current analysis suggests interventions based on identity principles, sustainability, agroecology, ecoturism, rurality and culture that would contribute towards environmental re-signification and cultural valorization of the region for its inhabitants, workers and tourists.

Author Biographies

Vagner Luciano de Andrade
Discente do Curso de Licenciatura em História (EAD) pelo Centro Universitário de Maringá (UNICESUMAR), Brasil
Veroni Friedrich
Mestre em História com concentração no tema “Patrimônio Cultural”. Docente da Educação Básica do Estado do Paraná e Centro Universitário de Maringá (UNICESUMAR), Brasil.


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