On The Way There Was... The Orthography!

  • Márcia Adriana Dias Kraemer Cesumar


Presupposing that the practices related to the mother tongue, specifically developed in the classroom, have established a continuous and dialectic exchange with the other social practices historically limited, we defend that the organization and planning of contents, activities implementation, choice of materials and didactical resources, as well as the assessment of teaching and learning, result from the conceptions of the agents engaged in the teaching process and the choices made. Thus, the present paper intends to relate language’s interactive conception to the issue of teaching and learning grammar through discursive genres, since the language’s analysis and reflection practice can be fundamental for the expansion of the capacity for interpreting and producing texts. From this, it is possible to make explicit students’ implicit knowledge, opening the door for its re-elaboration (in case of writing), or to the discussion about different meanings attributed to the text, in the case of reading, and also about discursive elements that validate or not those attributions of meaning. This practice promotes a constant activity for the formulation and checking of hypotheses about the language’s workings, the observations of regularities, for instance – both in the writing system and in the orthographic and grammatical aspects.

Author Biography

Márcia Adriana Dias Kraemer, Cesumar
Graduada em Letras pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM; Mestre em Letras, concentração em Lingüística Aplicada pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM; Docente de Língua Portuguesa do Centro Universitário de Maringá – CESUMAR; Docente do Sistema de Ensino NOBEL; Consultora da Kraemer Consultoria, na área de Comunicação e Expressão e Comunicação Empresarial; Participante dos grupos de pesquisa FOCO (Formação e Concepções do Materialismo Histórico-Dialético na Educação), vinculado à Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM e FELIP (Ensino/aprendizagem e Formação do Professor de Língua Portuguesa e de Outras Linguagens), vinculado à Universidade Estadual de Londrina – UEL. E-mail: marciakraemer@uol.com.br
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