Contemporaneous Family and Their Interfaces with Poverty

  • Marilia Gonçalves Dal Bello Cesumar
  • Renata Silva Centro de Referencia da Assistência Social


By approaching the context of the title above, the present study aimed at carrying out a theoretical analysis on the contemporaneity and its effects on the family. As well as that, initiatives associated to public social policies that propose to fight poverty faced by a great number of families that are inserted in the present society were also analyzed. Thus, a bibliographical research was carried out about authors like Harvey (1994), Vaistman (1994), Soares (2003), Carloto (2006), Mioto (2000) among others. The final synthesis points to a great contingent of poor families that have found themselves in this condition due to economic changes, whose most perverse effects has been to strengthen individualistic logic and social inequality associated to the gradual loss of the State’s efficiency in providing public services.

Author Biographies

Marilia Gonçalves Dal Bello, Cesumar
Mestre em Serviço Social e Política Social pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina-UEL; Docente no curso de Serviço Social do Centro Universitário de Maringá- CESUMAR; Assistente Social. E-mail:
Renata Silva, Centro de Referencia da Assistência Social
Psicóloga formada pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM; Atua no atendimento a família vulneráveis no Centro de Referencia da Assistência Social. E-mail:
Artigos Originais