Constitutional Guarantees and Covid-19: Constitutional Analysis in Times of Pandemic

  • Damian Rodrigo Pizarro Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: COVID-19, Public health, Rights and freedoms


States face enormous challenges in trying to protect their inhabitants from the threat of COVID-19, one year after the measures adopted by States that inevitably invaded the rights and freedoms, which are an integral and necessary part of a democratic society , a central challenge has always been posed to be able to amalgamate these “unhappy” measures with constitutional and international human rights norms. The legal analysis of the situation caused by the “pandemic” is as complicated to address as the pandemic itself: since, as we said before, it is extremely complex to achieve an adequate, fair and legal balance between the measures to stop the spread from the virus and protect the lives of its inhabitants, while fully respecting constitutional guarantees and human rights.

Author Biography

Damian Rodrigo Pizarro, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Abogado con especialización en Derecho Internacional Público, profesor y editor. Cursante de Doctorado en Derecho Constitucional (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Profesor de Derecho Constitucional (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Derechos Humanos, y Derecho Internacional (Universidad de Belgrano). Director de la Asociación Brasilera de Abogados en Buenos Aires (ABA-BA). Miembro de la Asociación Argentina de Derecho Constitucional, de la Asociación de Estudios de Integración, del Centro Colombiano de Estudios Constitucionales y del Instituto Latinoamericano de Enseñanza, Investigación y Extensión. Abogado en Estudio Pizarro, Vázquez Páez & Asociados.


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