The Interinstitutional Agreement in the Peruvian Practice of International Law: Reexamination of “The Concept of Treaty in International Law” of Klabbers

Keywords: Interinstitutional agreement, Subject of international law, Public entity, International law, International responsibility


International law offers to the international community several types of international instruments, and not all of them have been fully explored by doctrine. In this context, the present article aims to reexamine the analysis proposed by Jan Klabbers in his book “The Concept of Treaty in International Law” on administrative agreements, which in our legislation are called “interinstitutional agreements” (IA). In this sense, four criticisms that Klabbers raises about such types of agreements will be reviewed: i) the open texture of the definition of the State in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT); ii) the rejection of the hypothesis about the international subjectivity of public entities and the existence of a third legal order different from domestic law and international law; iii) the difficulties of reconciling IAs with the theory of international responsibility and; iv) the ease of repudiation of administrative agreements. Following this purpose, the article explores solutions to the main problems identified by the Dutch jurist, reviewing these dilemmas through the case of the Peruvian AI, using an analytical methodology.

Author Biography

Pablo César Rosales Zamora, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos e Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Profesor de Derecho Internacional Público, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos e Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. e-mail:


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