The Application of the Civil Responsibility Theory in the Wake of Violation of the Person´s Rights of Foreigners as an Acknowledgement Of People´s Common Intrinsic Value

  • Cleide Aparecida Gomes Rodrigues Fermentão Centro Universitário UniCesumar
  • Luis Gustavo Liberato Tizzo Centro Universitário UniCesumar
Keywords: Personality Rights, Foreigners, Civil Responsibility


The rights of the person with regard to foreigners and the protection of their rights are analyzed through the jurisdiction on a non-national territory. A consensus exists that people have a common and general value which is not linked to criteria of nationality. An analysis of the theory of civil responsibility, its history, concept and reparation suppositions are provided and applied to foreigners. Foreigners frequently feel that their fundamental guarantees and prerogatives are violated and must be assured that their subjective rights should be warranted.

Author Biographies

Cleide Aparecida Gomes Rodrigues Fermentão, Centro Universitário UniCesumar
Luis Gustavo Liberato Tizzo, Centro Universitário UniCesumar
Mestrando no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Jurídicas em Direitos da Personalidade no Centro Universitário UniCesumar; Graduado em Direito pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná - PUCPR; Docente da disciplina de Teoria Geral do Processo da Universidade do Norte do Paraná - UNOPAR; Assessor Jurídico junto à Procuradoria do Município de Ângulo – PR, exercendo a função de Defensor Público local; Juiz Leigo na Comarca de Astorga – PR; Advogado. E-mail: