Legal Tutelage of Personality

  • Franciellen Bertoncello Cesumar
  • Wanderlei de Paula Barreto Cesumar


The primordial rights of the human being are safe kept through the traditional indemnification remedy and mainly of inhibitory tutelage. In face of innovative characteristics brought to the civil liability theory by the personality’s rights derived from its peculiar goal, it becomes inappropriate to wait for the concretization of the damage only for a posteriori reception of a juridical answer. By this way, the difficulty (or the impossibility) of reparation is essential so that we avoid the concretization or the repetition of the damage, which is enabled by the inhibitory tutelage.

Author Biographies

Franciellen Bertoncello, Cesumar
Mestre em Direito da Personalidade pelo Centro Universitário de Maringá – CESUMAR.
Wanderlei de Paula Barreto, Cesumar
Docente do curso de Mestrado em Direito e coordenador do Grupo de Pesquisa de Direitos da Personalidade do Centro Universitário de Maringá – CESUMAR; Pós Doutor em Direito Civil pela Universidade Heidelbert e Max Plank Institut, Alemanha; Doutor em Direito Civil pela Universidade Ebrhard-Karls, Alemanha.