• Maurício Ávila Prazak EPD - Escola Paulista de Direito
  • Andressa Morais Capassi Santos EPD - Escola Paulista de Direito
Keywords: Brazilian perspective, Traditions, Soft law


This article presents the Brazilian perspective on the new International Bar Association guidelines for the representation of parties in International Arbitration. The study is based on some relevant topics in the light of Brazilian legislation and traditions. The research is based on general considerations about soft law and then analyzes the Guidelines of the International Bar Association, chapter by chapter, from the perspective of Brazilian arbitral institutions. The research uses the deductive method. As for nature, it is a theoretical study; as for the objectives, this is an exploratory research; as to the approach, it is a documentary and bibliographic research. It is concluded that there are mechanisms inserted in the provisions of the arbitral tribunals (such as the LCIA) that allow arbitrators tools aimed at curbing the use of these improper conducts, such as the possibility of issuing partial decisions and the cost of applying the Code of Ethics and fees. It is also examined the existence of an inherent power for arbitrators to maintain the procedural integrity and safeguards of the parties, and the importance of the adoption of soft law, such as the International Bar Association Guidelines or the Prague Rules.


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