Focus and aims

The journal Iniciação Científica Cesumar (ISSN 2176-9192 On-line) published by Universidade Cesumar UniCesumar since 1999, is a multidisciplinary journal which mainly publishes original articles written by students and supervisors in programs of Scientific Initiation of UniCesumar and other Institutions of Higher educations in Brazil and abroad.

Published twice a year, it is indexed in Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory; Latindex; LiVRE!; Sumarios.Org, DOAJ and Conceito Capes Qualis 2013-2016 in the fields of Psychology, Urban Planning and Administration, classification B3.
Following current demands for research and the construction of knowledge, the Editorial Board of the Revista ICCesumar has innovated its publications as from 2012 and has published articles from different areas within Thematic Publications See details in News and Call for Papers

Peer Evaluation

The first step in evaluation consists in the selection of articles according to editorial criteria. The Editorial Board is the agent for this specific stage.
The second step consists of the verdict by external ad hoc peers, specialized in specific themes. Research work submitted is evaluated without the identification of the authors.


twice a year
Format: Electronic
Format: Print (ended in 2019)

Classification of the journal Qualis for 2013-2016

Public Administration and Administration of Companies, Accounts and Tourism - B1
Urban and Regional Planning / Demography - B1
Psychology - B1
Education - B1
Interdisciplinary - B1
Environmental Sciences - B1
Engineering II - B1
Medicine Veterinary - B1
Odontology - B1
Psychology - B1

Free Access Policy

The journal provides free and immediate access to contents, following the principle of making available scientific knowledge for a wider democratic stance in knowledge.

Indexed in:


DOAJ (Directory Of Open Access Journals)
Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory

Portals of Free Indexation
Google Scholar


Profa. Msc. Ludhiana Ethel de Matos Garbugio

Editorial Board

Prof. Dr. Adriana Márcia Beloti – UniCesumar
Prof. Ms. Aline Maria Malachini Miotto Amaral – UniCesumar
Prof. Dr. Calvino Camargo – UFRR
Prof. Dr. Elvis Silveira-Martins - UFPel
Prof. Dr. Maria Júlia Giannasi-Kaimen– UEL
Prof. Ms. Rejane Sartori – UEM / UFSC
Prof. Dr. Vânia Pais Cabral– UFPR
Prof. Dr. Dilmeire S. R. Vosgerau - PUCPR

Call for paper for the issue (second semester 2020)

Dear Researchers,

under construction

Prof.ª Ludhiana Ethel de Matos Garbugio, Msc.
Editor-in-Chief of jornal Iniciação Científica Cesumar

Instructions for ad hoc peers

When you receive an e-mail from the Editor-in-Chief, please make Login and place your Password. If you forgot the Password, send an e-mail to asking for a temporary one;

1) the first step to start your evaluation is to inform the editor on your availability for the task: Answer: Available to evaluate article or not available to evaluate article (end of page, first step);

2) When you accept the task, the document and supplements are available for download at Step 3 (Download and Evaluation). Click on the title of the document for download and evaluate if you would like to insert comments in the document. If you are using Words, make sure you remove from the file any information as to your identity;
2.1) The document plus comments should be transferred in Transfer “Evaluator´s Files” and fill the evaluation form;
2.2) Choose the proper recommendation according to “Evaluation Forms” and click “Send evaluation”; then go to Item 4 Final and to the thanks page and the discussion field of evaluation for further doubts and discussions between evaluator and editor.

In case of doubt, please contact

Thanks for being available,

Iniciação Científica Cesumar
Editor-in-Chief Prof. Ludhiana Ethel de Matos Garbugio